2nd Grade

All homework and assignments are on Google Classroom.  Google Classroom are shared with current students only.

Core Knowledge is a clear and sequential body of knowledge that builds each year beginning with What your Second Grader Needs to Know by E.D. Hirsch, Jr.  Because we are a public school in Colorado, we have aligned CK with Colorado Academic Standards.  The body of knowledge can be found in the Core Knowledge Sequence  and the text Core Virtues by Mary Beth Klee.

Some highlights of 2nd grade: Life Cycle of tadpoles, caterpillars, and chicks;  Ancient China and Japan units; Westward Expansion - gold panning and covered wagons; Simple Machines.

Some of the 2nd grade Core Knowledge Sayings and Phrases students learn: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you; Never put off 'til tomorrow what you can do today; The more the merrier; Like fish out of water.


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Mrs. Deady - Homeroom Teacher 

Mrs. Arnold - Homeroom Teacher 

Mrs. Gossack - Small Group ELA/Math Teacher 